Our services

Your questions and challenges deserve an answer or solution. We turn your question mark into an exclamation mark through constructive conversations with the appropriate people at the right decision levels.

Lobco brings experience and expertise to successfully advocate your interests with the relevant policymakers. Policy makers that we reach through lasting relationships within our wide-ranging and diverse network.


Promoting interests

Lobco puts your best interests first whether the political body is European, federal, regional, local or working with governments. We make it our mission to find out what political decision or legislation is already in the pipeline and, mitigate it if necessary. Our team has the expertise to make adjustments to planned or existing policies, as well as open new doors for you.

Political decisions and the impact they may have on your activities is our area of expertise. However, Lobco goes beyond giving advice, we perform best when we work together. Always in a constructive and transparent way. This is how we maintain trusted relations across our extensive network.

Belangen bepleiten


Construction, expansion plans or any other ambitions of your company – will not progress without a permit. The moment you can get your business moving depends on obtaining the right permit.

We use our experience purposefully to achieve a positive influence on the permit process. How we do this is through speaking the same language as the authorities and administrations who grant these permits. Together with you, we enter into a dialogue with them and speed up the process of permits. This is why we always tell companies don’t delay your projects because of a permit, talk to us!


PR for PA

Government decisions affect us all which is why the Lobco team focuses on the decisions that could have a direct impact on your activities. This means putting your issue or concern at the top of the decision-making agenda… and then presenting a strong argument to achieve a positive outcome. That is Lobco’s definition of Public Relations for Public Affairs.

We connect you with stakeholders who really matter and who are directly relevant to your specific end goal and, speak to interest groups, about your case. Essentially, we use efficient campaign resources with maximum effect and provide you with formal and straightforward communication.

Business to Government

Business to Government

Negotiating and arguing with (semi-) public authorities is a different process compared to what you might be used to in your business activities. However, this is where Lobco can guide you within this complicated world. With our extensive knowledge, approach and diverse network. you have our guarantee that we will use our influence to achieve your desired goal. Whether it’s building a lasting relationship, facilitating a public tender, or unblocking a pressing problem with a government agency.

Lobco helps you build up a thorough knowledge of Belgian politics and administrations with our interactive workshops and customised coaching. We also initiate a dialogue with government partners, always keeping your business and personal interests in mind as our client.


Reputation Management

Public opinion and reputation can affect relationships with the government. But generating a strong reputation doesn’t just happen overnight. It requires hard work using all means necessary: a solid communication plan, targeted campaigns, and media training. It is daily business for Lobco. Always working to establish, maintain and proactively guard reputations. Essentially, building a thorough image analysis and developing a targeted communication strategy towards various parties involved. Together we can and will make a difference to your image and reputation.


Our statement

Lobco is your active partner in Public Affairs. The world of policymakers and government institutions holds no secrets for us. Thinking in terms of solutions is in Lobco’s DNA. You are rightly counting on the right results with your company or organization. That is why every strategy or campaign that the Lobco team develops is maximally targeted.

Lobco makes an efficient link between your problem or opportunity and the authorities that can positively influence the result. When your professional ambition is thwarted by policy obstacles, we offer an appropriate and sustainable answer with Lobco.

Would you like more information about what we can do for you and our operating method? Please do not hesitate to contact us. Together – and at no obligation – we will work out how Lobco can offer you a solution.