
Every day, we at Lobco put theory into practice. Obviously, we completely respect confidentiality and discretion. Without mentioning names, below we give you concrete examples per business unit of how we make a difference every single time.

Promoting interests

A new European legislation that would no longer allow sustainable packaging products on the Belgian market. Technology in which the government had invested itself. A worst-case scenario for the Belgian company involved and the taxpayer.

Provided a thorough analysis of European and local legislation, factual arguments and a targeted information campaign for the policymakers and stakeholders involved, Lobco is working on the safeguarding and future of the developed technology.


An important electricity producer who wants to install new wind turbines has initially refused to apply for a wind farm. The result is loss of time, economic damage and less access to green energy production.

Lobco helped rewrite the permit application so that it met the required criteria. Lobco then facilitated the necessary and fruitful contacts with the local authorities involved. The result? The expectations of the municipalities and the producer are on the same page and our customer was able to give the groundwork for the new wind farm.

Business To Government

An international company active in the IT sector wants to compete in a future government tender based on its experience and specific competences. To do this, the company must sound sufficiently familiar and reliable to the relevant government agencies.

Lobco provides the company with relevant insights into the special world of Belgian politics and administrations so that they can optimally familiarize themselves and prepare. At the federal, regional, local, intercommunal and administrative level. They could then turn to us to prepare and establish lasting contacts and build the desired reputation. With result!

Reputation Management

A professional federation from the alcohol sector wants to inform policymakers, together with a wide audience, of their responsible policy on alcohol consumption. Together with this federation, Lobco launched a targeted reputation campaign to promote alcohol as part of a balanced lifestyle. And to get the sector on the policy agenda economically and fiscally.

With substantiated data, insights and arguments that were translated into a policy-oriented reputation campaign, the federation got the place it deserved at the discussion table.

Our statement

Lobco is your active partner in Public Affairs. The world of policymakers and government institutions holds no secrets for us. Thinking in terms of solutions is in Lobco’s DNA. You are rightly counting on the right results with your company or organization. That is why every strategy or campaign that the Lobco team develops is maximally targeted.

Lobco makes an efficient link between your problem or opportunity and the authorities that can positively influence the result. When your professional ambition is thwarted by policy obstacles, we offer an appropriate and sustainable answer with Lobco.

Would you like more information about what we can do for you and our operating method? Please do not hesitate to contact us. Together – and at no obligation – we will work out how Lobco can offer you a solution.